Journal Policies


Authors contributing to IJIC agree to publish their articles under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0, which gives third parties the right to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. It also gives third parties the right to remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose, including commercial, on the condition that clear acknowledgment is given to the author(s) of the work, that a link to the license is provided and that it is made clear if changes have been made to the work. This must be done in a reasonable manner, and must not imply that the licensor endorses the use of the work by third parties. The author(s) retain copyright to the work. Learn more >>


Each author, and any co-authors, must meet the following criteria:

  1. All must have made a significant contribution to the design of the study, the collection of data, or the analysis and interpretation of data;
  1. All must, either by writing or by helping to edit the manuscript, have contributed to the design of its intellectual content to a significant degree;
  1. All must have approved the submitted manuscript.

Each author must also be able to take responsibility for part of the article's content and be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for the remaining parts.

The above text comes from the CODEX guidelines for research publications.


  1. Authors of manuscripts and reviewers of the same manuscript must not be close colleagues, family members, work on the same research project, or otherwise have a close collaboration.
  2. Reviewers should only accept to assess manuscripts that fall within their own subject area.
  3. Reviewers should respond to invitations without delay and submit completed reviews within a reasonable time.
  4. Reviewers' comments must not be influenced by the author's nationality, religious or political beliefs, gender or commercial interests.
  5. Reviewers' comments must not contain hostile or provocative language and must not include personal attacks, slander or other derogatory comments.


Authors are permitted and encouraged to post papers submitted to IJIC on personal and institutional websites, prior to and after publication (while providing the bibliographic details of the latter).

If the manuscript is published in the journal, the author is expected to cross-link, with DOI link, the different versions of the manuscript/article.


The journal recommends authors submitting manuscript to register an ”Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier” or ORCiD.

The author’s ORCiD, if there is one, should be included with other personal information when manuscripts are submitted, and it will be published in the article.


As requirements for Open Data are becoming increasingly common, some authors may wish or be required to make their data openly available. In the cases where this is relevant for the journal’s authors, IJIC encourages authors to do so according to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). In this case, this should be linked to a Data Accessibility Statement within the submitted paper, which will be made public upon publication. Data obtained from other sources must be appropriately credited. For further questions about Open Data policy and guidelines please confer with your academic institution.


Articles that have already been published will remain unaltered as far as is possible, though updated with information that an erratum/corrigendum or other amendment exists.

Article correction: Should the author discover a major mistake or error in his/her article after it has been officially published online, the Editor will be consulted/notified and if found necessary an Erratum or Corrigendum will be published. There will be links from the online version of the article to the Erratum/Corrigendum and vice versa.

Article Retraction: This action is reserved for articles that are seriously flawed and so the findings or conclusions cannot be relied upon. Articles may be retracted for several reasons. These may include honest errors reported by the authors (for example, errors due to the mixing up of samples or use of a scientific tool or equipment that is found subsequently to be faulty) as well as issues such as research misconduct (data fabrication), duplicate or overlapping publication, fraudulent use of data, plagiarism or unethical research. For any retracted article, the reason for retraction and who is instigating the retraction will be clearly stated in the retraction notice. The retraction notice will be linked to the retracted article and the article will be clearly marked as retracted (including the PDF).


In the case of formal complaints, disputes, or appeals, authors should contact the editor-in-chief, who is responsible for ensuring that a fair, deliberative, and thorough investigation is conducted.


This journal is archived with Portico for purposes of preservation and restoration. 


The journal follows the ethical guidelines and best practices set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All cases of ethical misconduct will be dealt with in accordance with COPE's recommendations and guidelines.


No publishing fees are charged.