A message from the editor


If you are a returning reader or user of IJIC and are reading this message, you will also have noticed our updated webpage and format. IJIC is in the process of restructuring the journal, and is pleased to announce our partnership with our new publishing partner, Open Academia. We are also managing some staffing changes.

As a result of these changes, and in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we thank you for your patience with any correspondence you may send us. For those of you who have submitted manuscripts and are awaiting decisions, please note that all of our IJIC editors and reviewers volunteer their time to the journal. Like you many of us are also occupied with managing COVID-19 in our places of work, meaning that turnaround times may be slower than normal. For those who have had manuscripts accepted for publication, our journal restructuring means that there is a delay in publishing these manuscripts. All manuscripts accepted in 2020 will be published in the near future, following which you can expect a much shorter turnaround time between acceptance and publication on our website.

 We thank you for your interest in IJIC and trust that you will appreciate the improvements in our journal in the upcoming months.

On behalf of your IJIC team, Kathryn Suh, Editor, IJIC